Saturday, October 29, 2011

Commentary about Humanity (the worldwide community)

I’m not sure if this bothers anyone else, but the way we kill people that we dislike, even for good reasons, seems to be getting more barbaric. This occurrence seems to happening more frequently and spreading as though it were a global trend.

With our ability to broadcast things internationally, almost as they happen, there seem to have been a string of barbaric murders of highly unpopular people. We label these individuals as “public enemies” and list them by numbers according to how dangerous they may be to the public’s welfare.

America does not have clean hands in this matter. It is because of our covert actions that many of the more popular props were sat on the grand stage. They were the bad boys that we hoisted into their powerful positions that went rogue.

We secretly set up leaders who were supposed to be our allies until they become rich and powerful enough and turn their backs and cut of the hands they hoisted them into power. Once they turned rogue they become our most wanted criminals to be hunted down.

However since these individuals knew too many of our devious secrets we had to be discrete in the way we eradicated them. Anything short of killing them by any means necessary would let out too many of our dirty secrets if they were to be brought to highly exposed media trial. We would not look too good if the truth were exposed.

Are there any clean hands that operate on the grand stage of world’s most powerful nations? Even though many people have heard of such covert operations, no one steps up to the megaphone and complain about what they suspect. In a sense we sanction such things by allowing them to happen and not doing anything to stop what we suspect.

Just in the last few years several of these rogue operatives were killed in a heinous manner. Knowing them to be ruthless people, the manner in which they were killed seemed to have thrilled the international audience that watched it unfold in the media.

It was as though we were watching a movie where the villain was killed in a really horrific manner and everyone cheered in delight, hooray! In real life these human beings were killed in a horrific manner. Does anyone care? NAH!

Forget the fact that they were humans being killed in a manner that we usually sanction for ruthless wild animals, but no one cared that humans were being slaughtered. It was as though they lost the right to be treated as fellow human beings.

Without trying to defend such despicable characters we should take note of where we are heading as a worldwide community. What does that say about us when we publicly slaughter human beings that we don’t like to the delight of the worldwide community?

Have we crossed over a line where art, such as in the movies, is beginning to shape our moral values? Is it okay to kill villains in any manner possible without taking them through a system of justice by trial? If that indeed is the case then where do we draw the line and who gets to be the new judge and jury?

Rather than allowing ruthless criminals the use of a costly criminal justice systems or funding the cost of incarcerating them for life, would it not be more practical just to just kill them on site to the delight of the worldwide community?

How about the criminals who have three strikes against them? We pay for their incarceration. Couldn’t we just kill them and forgo the cost of supporting them for life?

Has morality come down to pragmatism? Do our moral values depend upon things being consequentially practical? Yes, it would be more practical to kill “lifers” rather than paying to keep them alive for an unspecified time period. Yes, it is easier to kill the rogue dictators rather than have them expose our secret alliances with them.

If pragmatism were the defining rule we wouldn’t need a criminal justice systems that allows people the right to a trial with the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

Can people just form a collective alliance, which allows them to do as they did to the Libyan dictator? Can mighty governmental officials make such decisions behind closed doors at their discretion? How about victims getting even for what was egregiously done to them or a loved one? Where do we draw the line and who gets to make such decisions?

There’s something about these recent murders that is deeply troublesome, but I cannot seem to find the words to put it in its rightful prospective.

On one hand I’m happy that really bad people were erased from the planet before they could harm others, but the manner in which they were erased crossed a fragile line that could lead down a very slippery slop, one that would be much harder to harness, once unleashed.

Has humanity matured enough yet as a worldwide community that we might have intelligent conversations about this “slippery slope” we are endeavoring? Have we evolved enough as sentient beings that we could speak about things such as this on an international basis while functioning in the many cultural, linguistic, religious, or spiritual differences that define us? One would certainly hope, but it is very doubtful at this time.

If we are not there yet, then we had better find a way to get there soon, before we slide too far down the slope that brings out more of our animalistic nature rather than our inner spiritual core. We must define who we are as a species and how to operate as a collective body. After all, this world is getting far to small for us not to have a clear-cut human definition that we choose to live by.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mean-spirited trend in the air

Have you noticed just how mean-spirited people can be against each other? It is as though the world belongs to them and others are merely interfering in “their living zone.”

You see this behavior quite frequently on the roadways. People are very rude and inconsiderate to their fellow travelers. Don’t let them be late going where they’re headed; you become just another casualty to them like a bug splashing on their windshield.

The way people interact with each other in general has gotten to be very inconsiderate. They appear to have very little compassion for each other.
Don’t happen to have an opinion about politics because if you fall on the wrong side of the political equation you are dog meat. Republicans hate Democrats and vice verso. The right hates the left. The moderates hate the liberals. They don’t just modestly disagree with them, but express really deed-seated hatred.

When George W. Bush was in office you had the Bush-Haters. Now that Obama is in office we have the Obama-haters. This hatred is not just about their character, at least not in all cases, but more about them representing “the enemy.”
As if that wasn’t unusual enough just take a look at the institutions that are suppose to teach us how to love one another, the religious community. Christians hate Muslims, Catholics hate Protestants, so many believers hate the Jews, some Buddhist think people who believe in a divine entity are off-base, and if you practice something other than the beholder, you become a heathen. So much about God and love!

Somehow it appears that we are drifting away from any reasonable sense of basic morality. No one wants to be told what or how to think. Even more importantly they demonize you if you think differently from them.

There is no respect for others who are different. There is no tolerance for disagreement. People feel entitled to be jerks (a-holes), even though they refuse to admit to being one. This sense of entitlement only covers the self and whatever cronies are sucked into their mindset, but everyone else is the enemy.
You would think that people who generate such mean-spirited demeanor would look into a mirror and actually see fumes and flames shooting out of their nostrils with horns extruding out of their skulls like a wild ferocious bull.

The truth is they cannot see themselves, even if they could see they still would feel justified in being what they are. A small percentage of them see exactly what they have become and don’t care what others may think about them.

Where is this dark spirit coming from?

Part of it is conditioning, indoctrination, poor or inadequate parenting, lack of moral boundaries, selfishness, false-pride, and just basically lack of respect for others.

When one has basic respect they could genuinely disagree with others and walk away in disagreement. You realize that people are free to have their opinions and/or beliefs even if they differ from yours. You also realize that your particular parameters from which you assess judgment are different from others.

When respect is not genuinely offered is it really deserved? In other words, if it does not come from you, perhaps it is not in you. So, neither do it belong to you… respect that is.

Another issue is entitlement. If different parties feel equally justified for their stands, in their mind’s eye, they feel entitled. However, if they don’t respect others, to them they are the only ones entitled so therefore others become intruders or otherwise “the enemy.”
There is no real justification for being mean-spirited. It pulls from the bottom of the list of human behaviors. It is like scrapping from the bottom of the barrel where only leftover settlements are gathered.

Such people either don’t know or don’t care about who they harm. Like a bug smashed on a windshield there is no feeling, no compassion, or no thought about others.

There is absolutely no justification for such human behavior. Of course, there are some that would totally disagree with this assessment. We have to learn to live with that fact! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What's the world coming to?

 A person born in 1990 would be 21 years old at some point this year of 2011. They will be legally adults and capable of managing their lives within their limited capabilities.

During their brief lifespan they saw the recession of the early 1990s and a recovery during the late 1990s. They saw a modest prosperous environment from the late 1990s to the early 2000s, then it reverted back to stagnation and another recession from about 2006 forward until the present time.

Ironically, this generation has seen very little good economic news during their lifetime. They were born and grew up during questionable to poor economic times.

The world that they know is much different for them than for the preceding years. To them our country has always been in a war or two. They have never known a world without war.

They have never known a world without computers. This technological growth that many adults had to learn so painstakingly was what they grew up doing. It is just what they do and know.

Many, if not most, of them have been taught the value of getting a good education. However, what good is it to have a fancy degree with no job to utilize your hard-won skills? That’s like getting all dressed up with no place to go. Realistically, where are the majority of the jobs coming from these days?

Unlike in times prior when it was relatively easy for one to find a job if they really wanted to work, that is no longer the case. Every one that wants a job these days is not guaranteed to find one. In fact, there are not enough available jobs for every one in this country who wants and needs to work. 

Is it even profitable for this current generation to add tens of thousands of dollars toward student loans with no foreseeable jobs to pay off those loans? How long would it take to pay off such a debt? Without a decent job, forever!

It is not just the job markets along with technology that changed so drastically but it appears that the entire fabric of society has suffered a huge paradigm shift.

Where have our morals gone since the 1990s? Are we becoming more moralistic or are we declining in that area? There was a time when the notion of God and godliness was spoken about reverently, but in these days that notion is no longer highly respected.

A lot of this is attributed to a decline of faith in our clergy. Their public persona is definitely not good, according to public opinion, because of so many famed-but-fallen leaders. If our religious leadership is unreliable then how can the body of believers be expected to stay in line if and when the head has fallen?

What about the political arena of leadership? Perhaps this generation could look up to, and be inspired by them? Definitely not! What about the schoolteachers? Surely they were the reliable ones that taught each generation and prepared them for the future.

Have you seen the most recent statistics regarding public education?

I am still trying to find out where is the silver lining for a child born in 1990 and beyond? Surely there must be something for them look toward to that inspires greatness and/or achievement! 

Something has to inspire them to work hard in order to achieve the American dream. Without sufficient motivation why would any of them bother putting up a good fight? Still the question is begged... “What’s this world coming to?”

Do we really want to know the truth, or would we be better off not knowing? Most can’t handle the truth very well, especially when it seemingly is not good news. Most would prefer to stick their heads in a hole in the ground until things get better, but that could be a very long time just trying to remain in the darkness of ignorance!

Here is part of the truth:

Right now we are painting the future and we have been doing so all along. The things we are doing, or not doing, are carving the pathways of the future. Our future leaders are being trained right now as we live and breathe. The children that we are currently educating will become our presidents, senators, congressmen, judges, peace officers, commanders, clergymen, professors, parents, and teachers.

The future is already in their hands, but we are handing them the issues they will be forced to face up to. A good example of this is the trillions of dollars of debt that they will have to pay. Another example is a world of old people with no way to properly care for them. One more is also an increasingly- polluted atmosphere combined with a very rapid depletion of our ozone layer.

Again, what we are currently doing, or not doing, which is exactly the picture with which they will have to cope. This is how things have always happened. Each generation lays the bricks down for the next ones to follow. Somehow, humanity has managed to stay afloat.

During past history there have been several Dark Ages followed by ages of renaissance and growth. Though the future pictures will be quite different from previous ones, it will be the one designated for that generation to navigate.

One question to consider right now is, shouldn’t we already be doing things to ease their burdens? Can’t we effectively plant seeds that will sprout in the future and yield good fruit for them to consume? Funny how much less the average person thinks about what may be ahead for those who are forced to live in the mess that we have made.

Sometimes I wonder; what’s this world coming to? However, the more I think about it I’m inclined to agree with the Wisdom of Solomon. There is truly nothing new under the sun. What we are seeing and experiencing is just a reshuffling of the same old things that are now being seen under a new light. 

The question becomes, what is this new generation going to do with their time in the spotlight? How will they handle it?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Finding Your Core Self

The reason people can be so easily persuaded is because they don’t really know “who” they are. Until a person establishes clear-cut boundaries they are vulnerable to countless persuasions.

Although you find this to be true about children, most adults still have areas in their lives where their boundary lines aren’t clearly defined. There are still things that make them indecisive. This is primarily because they never had a chance to explore certain situations beforehand.

As situations and circumstances arise through our lives is when most people learn more about themselves. This is also when they possibly draw new boundary distinctions. As you go through more experiences you get more practice and thereby can set or re-set your boundaries.

Naturally this is why people become more matured and defined with age. This is usually attributed to the numerous experiences in dealing with things and exploring ways of handling them.

However, if older people never experience certain situations, they will be equally as ill-prepared in handling them. Their only advantage would be drawing from the experiences of  others who have dealt with similar things in the past.

Even though most of us learn to put on a false front, for the most part that is only a façade to convince others as to what we want them to see in us. For the majority the real self is hidden very deep below that façade.

Normally, people only expose their tender under-belly to very intimate friends and loved ones, the reason being is because they dare not let anyone outside their inner circle see their vulnerability. When they don’t truly know what to expect from themselves they most certainly don’t want others to see them in a state of confusion or ignorance.

One of the main reasons we don’t know ourselves is because very few go on a deep soul-searching mission until something affects them, thereby causing them to introspect deeply. This could be a tragedy, a catastrophe, or the loss of someone close. As things drive us deeper inside we learn more about who we truly are.

Even though life is a constant learning situation, we never fully grasp everything. So much is left unexplored when we depart. Because of this one should learn to expect the unexpected so it doesn’t completely devastate you. The more you are humbled by life itself the more you learn to roll with its flow.

You would think that a greater number of younger people would grasp this wisdom earlier and thereby add more peace to their youth, but that is why the statement, “Youth is wasted on the young.”

Apparently there is no urgency to gain wisdom until something forces one to go on a soul-searching mission. Most people seem to need ample inspiration or motivation before they make the decision to cross over into the vast ocean wisdom. Without it there is another very popular axiom of which we are also quite familiar, “There's no fool like an old fool!”

As I sit here today and gaze back over more than a half-century I think of all the things that the nearly 62 year-old version of myself would say to an 18 year-old version of the same person. Since it would be me talking to me perhaps I may be inclined to listening and perhaps believing, but would I actually apply any of the wisdom that my older self would share with the younger me?

For myself, getting to know my inner core has been very trying and in many ways difficult. Unfortunately I was the sort of chap that required the crash into a brick wall before I made the proper adjustments. I had to touch the hot fire before I accepted the fact that fire burns. I had to try my many foolish ideas or inclinations that were not thoroughly planned and failed several times before I did the prudent things.

I burned a few good relationships and friends before I learned to truly appreciate people in general. Today winning has a totally different result than it did several years back. I have learned even to appreciate small things today when I never truly appreciated things at least thrice their value back when I was young.

I’m not quite sure but perhaps there was a version of one's true self, way back in the beginning, but we somehow denied what was true in order to chase an image that was more popular and acceptable by society. We denied who we truly were in order to become what we thought would be more acceptable by others.

Perhaps in truth you don’t become someone new, but more like becoming who you truly were all along. Like a century-old oak true, even though it grows many more layers over the years the initial core remains the same, simply covered now by multiple layers.

Our initial core is still there, but it is likewise masked by the many layers we placed over it through the years. In order to find your core self you don’t need anything new, certainly not any more experiences, you only need to drop all the false pretenses you have been forcing the true self to accept as real.  Drop them all and tell yourself that it is okay to be you. After all, that is how you were born into this world.

Find your core self. And if you don’t like what you find, change it to one that you can live comfortably with through the remainder of the time you are here in this corporeal body. Older people would tell you that truth, but you have to find a way to convince yourself to recognize, acknowledge, and accept wisdom.

Monday, March 28, 2011

You never quite know where life leads

So many people adopt the “vibe” that is prevalent around them, which essentially turn their main power over to whatever may be prevailing at the time. If things are generally going bad or poor then that is the direction fro which they are attracted.

However there are others that seem to have a rosier-than-usual outlook about life and no matter what is happening around them they seem to at least put on a positive image of optimism.

Even though you never quite know where life may be headed or exactly what the future unfolds, you do have something to say about how you position your attitude.

Those who portray a happy outlook in spite of things around them make the choice to be optimistic rather than pessimistic. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they are happy about bad things, but that they intentionally choose to hold on to a positive attitude.

The really strange phenomenal is how our attitudes seem to paint our world and even attract the vibes that we send out into the world. Some call this the Law of Attraction, but it is not this mystical voodoo that some would like to sell you.

As you think you tend to create and manifest. As you hold a certain attitude it sends out vibrations into the universe that magnify the elements around you. Just as the earth, moon and other celestial bodies obey the laws of magnetism likewise do human beings.

There is an invisible element that you can’t see, but you are definitely the one that either consciously or unconsciously, sends out the signals that attract similar elements. This is simply one of the many laws of nature.

The more you learn to become conscious of the vibrations that you are sending, the more you should be able to control them. It is a matter of choice. People that are more optimistic choose to be so in spite of the conditions that are revealed around them.

Even though this us usually somewhat difficult to achieve at times, “hard” is something that you must accept as a personal challenge in order to successfully control your attitude.

Like many of you I have read many books about the law of attraction and the power of positive thinking. I read “The Secret” that was a book and a very popular DVD that became a craze for a while. When it was popular positive vibrations were floating wildly among the consciousness of many people.

Like many such crazes once they fade back into the sub-consciousness it is almost as though it doesn’t exist any more, but that indeed is not the case. “Out of site and out of mind” is a phrase that goes with this scenario. Once it is out of your conscious mind you cease to control the intensity of the vibrations that you are emitting.

You are no longer in a state of heightened alert. Since you are no longer intentionally sending out positive signals you no longer attract them, at least not by choice. You are left to attracting the low hum that you are subconsciously sending, which is not usually always positive unless by nature you are a positive-perky-person.

I’m not saying anything new here. Perhaps you have heard a message similar to this a thousand times, but apparently after a spell you have forgotten this message and thereby sending it back to that “low hum,” as usual.

Might I suggest that if you do not like how things are going at least check your mind-set? Check your attitude and see if the needle is stuck on low energy or on the negative energies that are all too prevalent in today’s society.

Do something! Do anything but continue to allow a less-than-positive signal to emit from you like a cold dud. Once you turn your attitude around you will notice a remarkable difference in the things around you. Your attitude is literally painting the world around you.

Become a person that intentionally emits positive vibrations. Do this as a lifestyle. When you forget this message use your smart phones, or you email message alert to chime you ever so often reminding you that you never quite know where life may be headed.

Though we might not know exactly what might be in store for the future, the least we could do to help the situation is to keep a positive mental attitude about it (life) as you go through it.

You never know where good things may come from, but you can do all that is possible to attract the finer things your way. –Word Up! -  

Friday, March 25, 2011

Political Correctness

 PC, as commonly abbreviated, denotes posturing language, ideas, policies, and behaviors that seek to minimize social and institutional offense to an excessive extent. It simply means choosing to operate in a manner that does not ruffle too many feathers. It is the aspect of trying to walk a thin line so as not to overly offend others, aiming for as few as possible.

In today’s society the term is really a pejorative expression. It has lost its punch because no one can say they are the orthodox or supreme authority in reference to what is unilaterally offensive. In today's highly politically-charged atmosphere it is sometimes hard to tell the good guys from the bad ones.

Since America is, literally, a melting pot of nearly every nationality and cultural blend of people on the planet, where would any sort of gauge find its moral compass when it comes to offending the majority of the people? In some cultures cannibalism is right! 

In order to narrow this down we could use phrases such as “common decency” or “trying not to intentionally and knowingly offend others,” but that puts us back into trying to walk on eggshells because of not knowing where people keep their “offense button” hidden. You know… it’s a thin line between love and hate.

Since I have become somewhat unofficially a journalist, I understand the need to allow freedom of expression at least up to a point, because the only way to make changes in things that are institutionalized pejoratives is to allow those who are penalized to speak out in order to bring attention to whatever injustices have been made by their oppressors and thereby endeavor to correct that offense.

What seems to be of more concern to the general public is the fact that the compass once used to calculate correctness is all over the scale, therefore it is truly difficult to determine where social consciousness rests.

Things that were formerly politically correct, or as the case may be, incorrect, are no longer the same. Things that were morally offensive are no longer the same. Things that were thought to be common decency are no longer pinging the moral thermometer at the same mark.

In essence it appears that we have stirred up an ocean of sediment and it will take some time before all that “stuff” settles back down to its own bottom level again.

As each generation comes into dominance they usually usher in their own moral compass. Things that are common for me were not common for my parents. Things that are common for my children are not acceptable for me.

With this much constant fluctuation it is most difficult to set a deep enough anchor from which the masses can brace themselves. It is like riding on a small boat through very rough waters. One can only hold on to whatever in order to keep what small amount of balance possible.

What are the anchors that we still recognize as solid foundational bases? What are the pillars that have stood the test of time that the majority still respects? In truth many of those longstanding markers have faded into the past like the memory of a great sunset. Seemingly, they are no longer present. We only hope to keep some of their memories close enough that perhaps memories of them might make at least a slight difference.

One of the main issues here is that those who do not have or respect moral boundaries are learning how to set the slate. What’s popular or fashionable is becoming the new marker. The lines people draw in the sand are quickly disappearing.

Comedians poke fun at those who take a stand for righteousness sake. Our leaders and stars who bend or break the rules are raised to even higher stardom than they were before they committed their offenses.

Even being politically correct is a joke, because being politically incorrect is more fashionable. Why would our children want to be “good” when being “bad” gets them much more attention?

So where does this leave us? Are we willing to drop nearly all of our morality bars and go to a society where nearly anything goes? Do we really want to see a society of lawlessness? Is it even possible to put the cat back in the box now that we have let it out?

I’m not being cynical here! I’m only making observations of the pictures that have been so clearly painted. I have lost my desire to be politically correct because that bar has been set so low in the dungeons.

I’m no longer afraid to offend those who are being offensive. I will personally stand for what is right and decent regardless of popularity. I will not become a man that stands for nothing and thereby falls for anything.

For me, and my household, we still believe in godliness. And yes, that may be politically incorrect. My faith is not anchored upon being popular or being accepted by those who would gladly curse and spit on the very God that I believe in.

If being politically correct means that I should forego and forget about the God that I serve, or forego and forget about common sense principles of decency, then so be it. I can both live and die knowing that for me…I would have followed my heart to a place that is deeply hidden, where the spirit of God lives in me. Trust not in things that are seen, but instead those that are unseen. Selah!   

Monday, March 14, 2011

360 degrees of right and wrong

 Have you ever wondered why there are organizations such as the KKK, Skin Heads, Aryan Nation, National Alliance, National Socialist Movement, New Black Panther Party, White Order of Thule, Jewish Defense League, or even the Nation of Islam?

If you google the term “hate groups” you will see a list of groups considered supremacist, separatist, or racist. Many of these groups have extremely loyal and very dedicated members. They believe very deeply in their creed and mission, which is basically to separate themselves from others they consider either a threat or inferior.

Racism comes in all shades of colors and races. It has been a major issue ever since historical records were kept. In many cases nations and governments have legally sanctioned it. Why do you think one group of humans could conjure up so much hate against another group?

Since so many racist and anti-racist organizations believe very deeply and at times militantly right about their mission, there can be no way all of them can be right, or wrong. It simply means that there are different degrees of right and wrong according to the believer.

I sometimes try to understand where such hate comes from, but pure hate has no rationale. Revenge, different from hate, is what people use to fight against those they feel have perpetrated something against them.

When you are abused you want to fight back against those who hurt you. It is almost as though you want an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. “If you hurt me I want to hurt you back.” These human responses I understand, but still, in my mind two wrongs will never make a right.

However, when you look at racism in America you have to address the building blocks that formed this nation. Legally sanctioned racism was imposed upon Native Americans, Africans Americans, Asian Americans, Mexican Americans, Women, Gays and other groups that did not fit the Anglo majority at the time this nation was being formed.

This level of hate was not generated by an act of revenge or payback. It was hate for the sake of hating, with the sole intention of causing others to suffer. It was one race taking unfair and unearned advantages over another for the sake of personal gain. Still those who did these horrible acts felt justified in doing what they did, otherwise the United States of America would not have been formed, not as it was.

Even so, I still go back to the point of what is right, and what is wrong. When you see major corporations and top-level government leaders practice racism and even endorse it, are we to believe there are simply 360 degrees of right and wrong in the overall scheme of things?

Certainly the majority thinks they have a right to do what they do, as was the case of the slaughter of the Native American Indians or the enslavement of Africans. These people had something the Anglos wanted and were willing to take no matter what. The Native Americans had the land and the Africans provided a source of slave labor. Killing them and placing them in bondage was not even considered inhumane, it was merely considered a means to an end.  

Still, how do we justify right and wrong when culture is basically determined by a consensus of the people? If the majority gets what they consider to be right, what does morality have to do with the final results?

Although looking back on history I do believe that most people living in America today believe that the treatment of the Native American Indians and the slavery of the Africans was evil and in every classification, DEAD WRONG! Most believe that the slaughter of the Jews during the Holocaust was dead wrong. Rationally most know discrimination in any form is morally wrong.

However, what we’re currently facing is the terrible aftermath that hate imprint upon a society. It is indelibly etched in the soul of our nation. Although those actual days and accepted practices are long gone, in most cases, the habits and behaviors people learned will not easily go away.

In order to rid a society of such ills, individuals will need to check their hearts and purge such unwanted things from their behaviors.  Human beings are unfortunately creatures of habit and a product of their indoctrination.

If you were taught to hate then more than likely hate is a part of your being. If you were taught to discriminate then that too shapes your personality. A person must look deeply into their soul and determine if traits of racism and discrimination are something they wish to continue. If not they must intentionally and purposefully purge such practices from their being. They must regurgitate what was fed to them and retained as a behavioral practice.

In the end I do not believe there are 360 degrees of right and wrong. There is only right and wrong. Yes, there is yin and yang, but they, too, are opposites. One is the light and the other darkness. The two are not any more compatible with each other than fire and water. Just because people make choices to practice things that are wrong does not make them right. Simply because the majority agrees about something does not make it right.

Now that we have reached this age of enlightenment there are a lot of things wrong that we have accepted. Part of that was because we accepted darkness as our mode of living. We can no longer hide behind such dark clouds in ignorance.

There are no 360 degrees of right and wrong. Right is right and wrong is dead wrong. You must search your heart and soul and make that determination. Should you decide to remain in darkness, then that is a horse of a different color. FYI!